Machine Coworkers

Garrett Pepper

To see opportunities for machine coworkers, it's important to have some understanding of excellent and not-good use cases for Machine Coworkers based on where tech is at now. This requires understanding how machines think and what they can and cannot do on their own. This diagram is a cool resource or cheat sheet to assist in deciding if this is a job a machine could do. For a deeper dive, click through to their PDF report for a more thorough understanding of roles and future use cases of AI.

Garrett Pepper

When considering the concept of Machine Coworkers one of the first topics that comes up is AI (Artificial Intelligence) and its impact, both current and potential, on our global economic workforce and social cultures. This whitepaper dives into the history of AI and example use cases by specific industry. It's a deep dive, but worth a scan to get a full sense of how many ways AI is already working in all kinds of contexts.

How Humans and AI Are Working Together in 1,500 Companies
Summary. Artificial intelligence is transforming all sectors of the economy, but there’s no reason to fear that robots will replace all human employees. In fact, companies that automate their operations mainly to cut their workforces will see only short-term productivity gains, say the authors. Their research, involving 1,500 firms in a range of industries, shows that the biggest performance improvements come when humans and smart machines work together, enhancing each other’s strengths. People need to train AI agents, explain their outputs, and make sure they are used responsibly. AI agents, in turn, can assist people with information gathering, data crunching, routine customer service, and physical labor, thereby freeing them for higher-level tasks that require leadership, creative thinking, judgment, and other human skills. To get the most out of AI, companies need to redesign their business processes. After deciding what needs improvement—their operational flexibility, speed, or scalability; their decision making; or their ability to personalize products and services—they can devise appropriate solutions. That will mean not only implementing AI technology but also developing employees who can work effectively at the human-machine interface. The authors describe how a number of firms are already taking these steps and optimizing collaborative intelligence. But many more should follow their example
Harvard Business Review
Garrett Pepper

When we think about AI and business, we tend to think of automated production lines and robots taking jobs away from humans. However, if we shift our thinking and consider how we can redesign business processes to work with machines, the future gets much more exciting. Collaboration, not competition, is key.

Automation Anywhere
Garrett Pepper

Machine Coworkers are a concept that goes beyond robotics and industrial applications. Bots or 'software robots', also known as 'digital workers' can be built to "Think>Act>Analyze" in many job roles. These machine coworkers work alongside human employees to augment business processes.

Small Business Computing
Garrett Pepper

To help small business owners see the ways they can incorporate AI into their processes, Small Business Computing asked experts and business leaders for suggestions. From automating billing tasks to curating optimal user experiences, this is a great collection of use cases that could spark some new thinking for you about how to leverage digital coworkers.

Digital Workforce
Jessica Long

Business automation software makers Digital Workforce have formed their brand around the mindset of digital coworkers, and do a great job of exploring that perspective on their site. Notice their use of personable language as they describe what digital coworkers can do, referring to these systems as members of your team who are "taught" or "assigned" tasks, and are capable of human actions like "sensing" and "comprehending".

Jessica Long

This quick read from Zapier outlines how to build a habit of noticing and taking advantage of opportunities where a machine coworker could help you or take things off your to-do list altogether.