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Creating Value with Data

Explore the business models and internal strategies top organizations use to create monetary value from data, including datasets, insights, algorithms, optimization, products & offerings, investments, personalization, and relationships. Chapters.

Marketing Stacks, a Talk/Keynote/Workshop

These include Customer Relationship Management, websites incorporating user-generated content, social media management, personalization technologies, and advanced analytics. Learn how these technologies come together to enable exponential strategies.

Introduction to Creating Value with Data | Creating Value with Data Guidebook

Personalization. : customizing offerings or other experiences with individuals' or firms' data. Relationships. : creating and deepening relationships, either between yourself and others, or between third parties.

Value Models

Strategy: creating value by selling data as datasets or via products and insights gleaned from processing data, such as algorithms, data-driven investment strategies, business optimization, and/or product personalization.

Use | Data Supply Chain Guidebook

Personalization. : customizing a user's experience with their own data, third-party data and/or recommendations. Relationships. : creating or improving human relationships through data. Example. Updating collision avoidance and navigation algorithms.

Generate Brand Gravity | Exponential Brands Guidebook

Personalization is one way brands provide return on engagement. For example platforms like Netflix and Spotify improve their recommendations as they learn more about you.

The Exponential Journey | Thinking For A Digital Era Guidebook

Tomorrow, through personalization, online commerce will accelerate the very process of discovery. ". -Jeffrey P. Bezos. : 1997 Letter to Shareholders. The metrics gap. How can you know the network effects are building to “bend the curve”?