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What does Metadata mean?

Concept: Metadata. Go Back to Glossary. Select any number of buttons on the left to see varieties of data sources available for analysis. Definition. Metadata.

Acquire | Data Supply Chain Guidebook

Metadata. Metadata is data about another piece of data. We use it to understand, sort, and validate datasets to increase their usefulness.

Data Sovereignty and Data Politics | Data Ethics Guidebook

Companies who did not store metadata on where data came from, or who did not establish consent or have the ability to reaffirm user consent had to abandon or destroy data in their systems.

Aggregate | Data Supply Chain Guidebook

This is because they have very robust metadata, which allows them to ask new questions about old data more easily.

Store | Data Supply Chain Guidebook

Because those policies require certain rights afforded to the generators of the data and impose restrictions on that data’s use, companies who did not store metadata on where data came from, or who did not establish consent or have the ability to reaffirm user

Introduction to Creating Value with Data | Creating Value with Data Guidebook

Second, there are facets or features of the fundamental data, often known as. metadata. (data. about. data). This might record, for example, the purchase price of one of the stocks or the date the camera took the photo.