May 30, 2024
8:00 am
7:00 pm
Central Time

IAB Mexico 2024

Advertising, Content and Communication in the AI Era

Join us at the 2024 International Advertising Bureau's Conecta conference, where MJ Petroni will  speak about the possibilities—and perils—of AI for the advertising, marketing and brand world. Learn how generative AI will affect not just our workflows (and jobs) but also the fundamental nature of our relationship to technology, content and co-creation. Then consider "AI on Monday"—practical considerations for executives and creatives in their AI strategy.

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MJ Petroni

CEO and Cyborg Anthropologist

MJ specializes in helping others understand the mental models necessary to navigate digital opportunities and AI futures. A cyborg anthropologist (!), MJ helps us see not only how we shape technologies—but how they are re-shaping us.

They help organizations increase their AI & Digital Fluency in preparation for future technologies, attending not just to tools but also the thinking, skills, data, and business models that comprise new value creation.

The author of Causeit's, MJ's work focuses on raising the lowest common denominator of Digital & AI Fluency for individuals, teams, and entire organizations. Since founding Causeit, Inc. in 2006, MJ has shifted thinking for hundreds of global enterprises, including NTT, Accenture, Volkswagen, the Gates Foundation, Credit Suisse, SWIFT, and several major financial and media companies, raising Digital Fluency among millions of professionals.

MJ sits on the Accenture Tech Vision Advisory Board and is a faculty member at Singularity University.

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IAB México